

Dont ever lend people your IC D:

today's post will be flooded with this emo:

and its a continuation in some way to the previous post.


cus it landed me in a lockup in the police station for a night. D:

it's like, i lent hsien lee my ic to go to MOS, then she got caught.
then, she called and said that the bouncer said that i have to go down and collect it back, otherwise both her and my ic will go to the police station. and that i can go back after i collected.

so i lied to my parents that i was gonna go to cp to collect something from my friend, when in fact i have to go down to MOS, and its already very late.
they werent happy of course, but i still went down.

then, when i arrived, there were 2 officers there with hsien lee and this guy friend of hers already. i thought it was common, so i didnt think much. i keep thinking that i could just go take my ic and go.

but wrong! i was informed that it was actually an offence to lend people your ic! like what the fuck! D:
and i seriously didnt know it was an offence! like, its just a stupid piece of plastic!!!

then nevermind. i thought they were just gonna write down my name and let me go. by then, my dad was already calling me and making noise, cus he still thought i was at cp.

then! they told us we had to go to the police station!!!
me for lending and my friend for using.
my friend kinda spoke up for me, saying that i was reluctant at first, which is very true.

anyway, we were handcuffed (!!!!! D:) and led to the police car!
and i think people who say me probably thought i was on crack, cus i was half smiling. i was very amused for some unknown reason. like so drama!!!

then, at the station, our belongings were detained, and we were made to change into some ugly and dirty tee! EWW!!!

and we were locked up seperately in a cell! like OMG!!!
of cus, by then, i had asked for permission to call my parents. and i guess they were super freaked out. and they knew i was lying to them about the cp thing of course. D:

i waited for quite long before it was my turn to take my statement, and i slept. i think the officers on patrol probably thought i was very WOW! to still be able to sleep.
but what to do, i was tired and bored.
and the toilet in the cell feels damn insecure. the only thing that was seperating u from the outside world was these very short walls. D:

then, after taking statement, i was put back in the cell while i waited for my parents to come bail me. i felt super guilty about this shit, and was on the brink of tears cus i was super guilty. and till now, i havent apologised to my parents.
and by the time we reached home, its already 5am, and my dad was supposed to go to work already. he had to take leave because of this. D:
and i still had work at 1030. D:

now, i guess i am on bail? and i have to go back on the morning of 10th july to see what will happen to me. my ic is still being detained as it is a piece of evidence. D:
i hope it wont affect my trip to malaysia.
and ultimately, i hope i will be let off with a warning or something.
its just lending of the stupid ic. and i really didnt know that it wasnt allowed. D;

seriously, the law should allow people 17 onwards to go clubbing, then this shit wont happen.
i mean, you are old enough to have sex but not old enough to go clubbing?! x:

and everybody, please pray for me ya?? D:
i feel like crying already, but i am a strong girl and i wont.
i feel guilty still.

but the officers were nice to us and all. i hope they really will put in a good word for me or something. D:

and talking about it now really makes me very no mood. ):
i am worried.

let's all pray together and eat vegetarian everyday.