


i realised that i dont know what's going on around me.
i dont even really remember how my time was past the last week.
but these days, i've thought about it, and have decided to take a new approach to people and things around me.
as much as i probably want to know, i've decided to be nonchalant and not pry about everyone else's life.
if they want to, they'll tell me what's going on, lest they find me annoying if i were to ask.
if not, i will just be that ignorant girl that i am, and continue bumming around, or not.

lately, i dont think i have done much stuff, at least not that i remember of.
working a little here and there, but not enough to let me support myself, so i still have to depend on my dad.
i need to quit bumming around and get myself hired for a proper job.
if not, i'll have to go study full-time, and frankly speaking, i am not really feeling it.
then again, maybe i want to study part-time just cus the rest are doing so.
oh well, i still got time to think about how i want my future to be like.
how i wish i could go back to my secondary school days. all those carefree days. booooo.

also, i havent been spending much time with people from school since after dip show ended.
sometimes, it's not that i dont want to, but it just so happened that i already had plans made before i was inform of the outings.
so when people get irritated that i cannot make it for outings, i become irritated too, because i get the feeling that they feel that i was deliberating making myself unavailable.
but i'm sure you all know deep down that it isnt so, and that i am entitled to hanging out with other ppl as well.
anyway, read this with an open mind. i am just speaking my mind, whether anyone like it or not.

that's it for now.