

i scream for ice cream!

Hi! Welcome to Ben & Jerry's!
wah. damn fat. look at the arms.

went to the CHUNKFEST yesterday, and frankly speaking, it wasnt as happening as i expected it to be. too many people and too little tents to make it seem like it was buzzing with excitement.
janice & i even got lost while making our way there, and by the time we reached the fest, we were soaked. a good way to sweat it out tho. maybe we should go 'climb' fort canning weekly. sure lose weight. HAH!
thank god for pizzy, qing & friends, who managed to direct us, and even let us cut their queue. they actually freakin queued for 2hours just to get 3 scoops each. i guess we were just lucky bitches to be able to cut their queue.
*sends cute widdle flying hearts to my favourite bighead*
the US flavours were alright i guess, cus after trying cinnamon bun & the peanut butter flavours, you basically wont be able to taste the other flavours much.
and we met vincent there! not bad!
wished we saw more familiar faces there. hopefully the B&J scoopies gathering will happen soon.
and i nearly killed my adidas highcut there. stupid freakin mud.

after the fest, hung out with pizzy & co.
i miss hanging out with her, and my other determination/idealistic people.
maybe i should start contacting them soon. maybe.

then, without being able to nap at all, off i am to the standard chartered marathon event.
wah. i fuckin hate the standard chart job. its so freakin shitass boring and retarded.
all i had to do was man the stupid toy car tracks thingy, which kept screwing up and i freakin wanted to kill the whole set of toy.
i would gladly trade my job to work under the sun and usher the marathoners. that, and getting burnt by the sun, would have been A WHOLE LOT MORE FUN than whatever i had to do.
i personally think the organisers we were working under could have been nicer. maybe everyone was just cranky from the lack of sleep, but fuck you, they could still have talked in a nicer tone. HA!

ok me shall go buffy soon, then sleep for 24hours to make up for my lack of sleep.
sie, lisa & i nearly turned into falling dominoes on the train ride home.

die dark circles die. i have no desire to have dark circles like those of the cullens.
give me their flawless complexion and godly features & body tho.